Hoping Brighter Days Are Ahead

Two weeks ago, I wrote about the challenges we we’re facing with Sebastian at home and in the community. At that time, we were looking forward to an appointment with his developmental medicine team at Nemours to discuss his recent struggles.

Before our appointment, I made sure to pray for the ability to listen without interrupting, which I have a tendency to often do, and to be at peace with the treatment recommendations. I needed to make sure that I had my emotions in check and my faith present.

A few days prior to the appointment, Sebastian’s provider emailed us her recommendation. She wrote, “Just a heads up: I plan to discuss two different medication options to target these behaviors — Abilify and SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) like Prozac, Zoloft, etc.”

I wasn’t ready for such a big change in his medication, but I was willing to listen. During our discussion, we agreed that, based on the anxiety screeners that were completed, his behavior was due to his mood and irritability. Therefore, Abilify would be the recommended medication.

A plan was now in place. We are going to continue with his current medication and add a booster dose of Ritalin for the evening hours. Additionally, we’ll be reducing his nonstimulant one week at time to determine its effectiveness. I wasn’t convinced that it was really helping Sebastian. My goal was to wean him off it, in case we later decide to trial Abilify.

I’m not opposed to Abilify, but at this time, I prefer to hold off on it until we go back to school and get back into our routines. If he’s still having trouble with irritability and aggression after a month of school, then we should trial it.

How is Sebastian doing since we added a booster dose of Ritalin? Our afternoons are much calmer, there’s less hitting and cursing, and he’s having fewer meltdowns, with the intensity of those meltdowns now less severe. He’s definitely doing better, but he’s still demonstrating some unexpected behaviors.

I’m hopeful that, once Sebastian returns to school and his days become more structured, his behaviors will also improve. However, if they don’t, I feel better knowing at least we have a solid plan in place.

This parenting journey is not easy. My love for Sebastian is what keeps me pushing through, knowing there are brighter days ahead. This is just one chapter in the book of Sebastian’s life.

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