
Sometimes you’re just tired. Tired beyond belief. So much so that you just want to hit the pause button.

Lately, I’ve been feeling this way. I find this feeling most intense when I go back to school and during the winter.

Getting back into the routine of full-time teaching and running a household leaves me with not much left in the tank. It’s packing the lunches, making dinner, doing laundry, helping with homework, driving to sports, bedtime routine, and the list goes on. After the chaos of the day, I collapse into bed, only to wake up and do it all over again. The exhaustion weighs on me and is a constant reminder of the delicate balance I must maintain. I know it sounds like I’m complaining, and maybe I am, but I think it’s OK to feel this way. It doesn’t make me a bad parent; it just makes me a human being.

I do my best to embrace every chaotic moment because my children soon won’t need me to the extent they do now. I try to shake off the exhaustion, be mindful, and appreciate the joy that motherhood brings.

To be mindful, I direct my brain to moments when I can just be with my kids, fully present with my heart and mind focused on whatever it is they’re doing. That fuels me and puts a smile on my face. I use my faith to find happiness amidst the overwhelming feelings, and I thank God for my many blessings. I couldn’t imagine my life without my children and fully understand what an honor and blessing it is to be their parent.

So, when I’m feeling weary, I’ve come to understand the importance of seeking respite and leaning on my husband for support. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking I must do it all alone. I just ask him for some help. My husband and I try to divide and conquer the responsibilities, whether it’s taking turns with the kids’ extracurricular activities or setting aside time for each other to unwind. Additionally, I try to schedule some “me time” that allows me to recharge and clear my mind.

After all, when I take care of myself, I’m a better mother, spouse, and teacher. I remind myself amidst the exhaustion that the joy of motherhood is always worth it.

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